Advanced queries

Neomodel contains an API for querying sets of nodes without having to write cypher:

class SupplierRel(StructuredRel):
    since = DateTimeProperty(

class Supplier(StructuredNode):
    name = StringProperty()
    delivery_cost = IntegerProperty()
    coffees = RelationshipTo('Coffee', 'SUPPLIES')

class Coffee(StructuredNode):
    name = StringProperty(unique_index=True)
    price = IntegerProperty()
    suppliers = RelationshipFrom(Supplier, 'SUPPLIES', model=SupplierRel)

Node sets and filtering

The .nodes property of a class returns all nodes of that type from the database.

This set (or NodeSet) can be iterated over and filtered on. Under the hood it uses labels introduced in Neo4J 2:

# nodes with label Coffee whose price is greater than 2

    java = Coffee.nodes.get(name='Java')
except Coffee.DoesNotExist:
    print "Couldn't find coffee 'Java'"

The filter method borrows the same Django filter format with double underscore prefixed operators:

  • lt - less than

  • gt - greater than

  • lte - less than or equal to

  • gte - greater than or equal to

  • ne - not equal

  • in - item in list

  • isnull - True IS NULL, False IS NOT NULL

  • exact - string equals

  • iexact - string equals, case insensitive

  • contains - contains string value

  • icontains - contains string value, case insensitive

  • startswith - starts with string value

  • istartswith - starts with string value, case insensitive

  • endswith - ends with string value

  • iendswith - ends with string value, case insensitive

  • regex - matches a regex expression

  • iregex - matches a regex expression, case insensitive

Complex lookups with Q objects

Keyword argument queries – in filter, etc. – are “AND”ed together. To execute more complex queries (for example, queries with OR statements), Q objects <neomodel.Q> can be used.

A Q object (neomodel.Q) is an object used to encapsulate a collection of keyword arguments. These keyword arguments are specified as in “Field lookups” above.

For example, this Q object encapsulates a single LIKE query:

from neomodel import Q

Q objects can be combined using the & and | operators. When an operator is used on two Q objects, it yields a new Q object.

For example, this statement yields a single Q object that represents the “OR” of two "name__startswith" queries:

Q(name__startswith='Py') | Q(name__startswith='Jav')

This is equivalent to the following SQL WHERE clause:


Statements of arbitrary complexity can be composed by combining Q objects with the & and | operators and use parenthetical grouping. Also, Q objects can be negated using the ~ operator, allowing for combined lookups that combine both a normal query and a negated (NOT) query:

Q(name__startswith='Py') | ~Q(year=2005)

Each lookup function that takes keyword-arguments (e.g. filter, exclude, get) can also be passed one or more Q objects as positional (not-named) arguments. If multiple Q object arguments are provided to a lookup function, the arguments will be “AND”ed together. For example:

    Q(year=2005) | Q(year=2006)

This roughly translates to the following Cypher query:

MATCH (lang:Lang) WHERE name STARTS WITH 'Py'
    AND (year = 2005 OR year = 2006)
    return lang;

Lookup functions can mix the use of Q objects and keyword arguments. All arguments provided to a lookup function (be they keyword arguments or Q objects) are “AND”ed together. However, if a Q object is provided, it must precede the definition of any keyword arguments. For example:

    Q(year=2005) | Q(year=2006),

This would be a valid query, equivalent to the previous example;

Has a relationship

The has method checks for existence of (one or more) relationships, in this case it returns a set of Coffee nodes which have a supplier:


This can be negated by setting suppliers=False, to find Coffee nodes without suppliers.

Iteration, slicing and more

Iteration, slicing and counting is also supported:

# Iterable
for coffee in Coffee.nodes:

# Sliceable using python slice syntax
coffee = Coffee.nodes.filter(price__gt=2)[2:]

The slice syntax returns a NodeSet object which can in turn be chained.

Length and boolean methods dont return NodeSet objects and cannot be chained further:

# Count with __len__
print len(Coffee.nodes.filter(price__gt=2))

if Coffee.nodes:
    print "We have coffee nodes!"

Filtering by relationship properties

Filtering on relationship properties is also possible using the match method. Note that again these relationships must have a definition.:

coffee_brand = Coffee.nodes.get(name="BestCoffeeEver")

for supplier in coffee_brand.suppliers.match(since_lt=january):

Ordering by property

Ordering results by a particular property is done via th order_by method:

# Ascending sort
for coffee in Coffee.nodes.order_by('price'):
    print(coffee, coffee.price)

# Descending sort
for supplier in Supplier.nodes.order_by('-delivery_cost'):
    print(supplier, supplier.delivery_cost)

Removing the ordering from a previously defined query, is done by passing None to order_by:

# Sort in descending order
suppliers = Supplier.nodes.order_by('-delivery_cost')

# Don't order; yield nodes in the order neo4j returns them
suppliers = suppliers.order_by(None)

For random ordering simply pass ‘?’ to the order_by method:


Retrieving paths

You can retrieve a whole path of already instantiated objects corresponding to the nodes and relationship classes with a single query.

Suppose the following schema:

class PersonLivesInCity(StructuredRel):
    some_num = IntegerProperty(index=True,

class CountryOfOrigin(StructuredNode):
    code = StringProperty(unique_index=True,

class CityOfResidence(StructuredNode):
    name = StringProperty(required=True)
    country = RelationshipTo(CountryOfOrigin,

class PersonOfInterest(StructuredNode):
    uid = UniqueIdProperty()
    name = StringProperty(unique_index=True)
    age = IntegerProperty(index=True,

    country = RelationshipTo(CountryOfOrigin,
    city = RelationshipTo(CityOfResidence,

Then, paths can be retrieved with:

q = db.cypher_query("MATCH p=(:CityOfResidence)<-[:LIVES_IN]-(:PersonOfInterest)-[:IS_FROM]->(:CountryOfOrigin) RETURN p LIMIT 1",
                    resolve_objects = True)

Notice here that resolve_objects is set to True. This results in q being a list of result, result_name and q[0][0][0] being a NeomodelPath object.

NeomodelPath nodes, relationships attributes contain already instantiated objects of the nodes and relationships in the query, in order of appearance.

It would be particularly useful to note here that each object is read exactly once from the database. Therefore, nodes will be instantiated to their neomodel node objects and relationships to their relationship models if such a model exists. In other words, relationships with data (such as PersonLivesInCity above) will be instantiated to their respective objects or StrucuredRel otherwise. Relationships do not “reload” their end-points (unless this is required).

Async neomodel - Caveats

Python does not support async dunder methods. This means that we had to implement some overrides for those. See the example below:

# This will not work as it uses the synchronous __bool__ method
assert await Customer.nodes.filter(prop="value")

# Do this instead
assert await Customer.nodes.filter(prop="value").check_bool()
assert await Customer.nodes.filter(prop="value").check_nonzero()

# Note : no changes are needed for sync so this still works :
assert Customer.nodes.filter(prop="value")